If you don’t know what it means to Prancercise®, then you are so out of the loop on what is hot in fitness right now!
Or maybe you just haven’t seen the viral video yet of Coral Springs woman Joanna Rohrback prancing around a park in what is described as “a springy, rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse’s gait and ideally induced by elation.”
If you haven’t seen the video yet, you can do so here:
Rohrback first created the Prancercise® concept in the 1980s, but it didn’t quite catch on.
Two decades, a book, and a viral training video later – it has become an internet sensation.
In an interview, Prancercise creator Joanna Rohrback said, “I prancercised since ’89. One of the things I started to do was power walking with ankle weights on, on this area along the beach in Hollywood, Florida, called the Broadwalk. And one day, I had my headphones on and I heard some really good music that got me going…and all of a sudden, I got more rhythmic, and more accentuated, and more springy, and that was it.”
Future plans? Rohrback said she hopes to open indoor Prancercise tracks franchised all around the country and even Prancercise parks with real live horses in the middle to get exercisers in the mood. Also, a clothing line including specialized shoes, t-shirts, and DVDs.
All exercising aside, I believe Joanna Rohrback has shown the world how fun and creative South Floridians can be.
You can learn more about Joanna Rohrback, owner of Prancercise LLC, by visiting Prancercise.com or checking out one of these articles she’s been featured in due to her newfound fame:
VIDEO: Prancercise Creator Joanna Rohrback On The Viral Success Of Her Fitness Workout
Interview with Joanna Rohrback, the Prancercise Guru
Also, you can Prancercise with Joanna Rohrback June 18, 2013 , from 6 to 9 p.m., at the Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, 5550 NW 40 St., Coconut Creek, FL. The venue is giving out more than $17,000 in cash and free casino time to the best prancers in the crowd. Call 954-977-6700, or visit seminolecoconutcreekcasino.com for more information.